Dear Lord...
I want to thank-you for giving me life. For giving me friends. For giving me family, both biological and not. You are truly amazing in the way you make our lives work. But I'd like to put in a letter to my readers today, to express how much you have done for me....
Tonight I went to a party at some good friends' house. I got to talking with a man who is both an adopted uncle and sort of a second father to me. We talked about life, and we talked about death, and the parts that feel in between.
My life burdens me. I push it off, try to let it go, and go on, just like every other person on this earth. I keep beating my records for hardest time in my life. For example this last winter when EJ was born. That is a time I will never want to relive. looking back on that awful week, I'm not sure how I got through it. I don't even remember most of it. But I remember seeing him in the hospital for the first time, with all the wires hooked up to him, and I remember crying. because he was alive. And that made it worth it.
But other people have gone through problems, and they don't have the amazing family I do. And I pray for them every time I think of that time in that tiny hospital room. Because if it wasn't for my family, I never would have gotten through that time.
Do you know how I define family? Someone who you would not only give your life for, but who you would trust with your life. You can really like someone, be really good friends, or even be related to someone, but would you put your life in their hands? Would you let them save you? Because that is exactly what Jesus asks us to do. He put his life in our hands, and we took ti away from Him. Now he asks that we give our lives to him, so that he can give it back. Don't you realize how awesome that is?
Your life is not your own, but that also means the burdens that come with it, you don't have o carry those alone either. He's there for you.
Don't ever forget that.
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